Progress America is here to push things forward.

Take action with us

Tell Congress: Fully Fund FEMA and Invest in Renewable Energy

As climate disasters become more frequent and more destructive, we need our elected officials to fund emergency relief efforts for those impacted.

It’s imperative that Congress come back into session to prioritize our safety and fully fund crucial climate disaster relief.

Add your name now to demand that Congress fully fund FEMA and invest in renewable energy.

ADD YOUR NAME: Dignity and justice for immigrants, now!

It's tempting to say that the U.S. immigration system is broken, but like our country's criminal legal system, the unfortunate reality is that it is functioning exactly how it was designed: to dehumanize and criminalize immigrants.

It's time to transform our nation's immigration system. We must welcome people with dignity, ensure their right to legal counsel, and keep their families together.

Add your name now to join Vera's fight to make this vision a reality.

ADD YOUR NAME: We can end the United States' overreliance on police.

The facts are simple: The negative impact of police contact can follow a person throughout their life. It can destabilize entire communities.

These costs include physical and behavioral health challenges for people in heavily policed communities, as well as the loss of educational and employment opportunities, housing stability, and more.

Are you ready to help Vera advance solutions that ensure safety and justice for all of us? Add your name!